Sites@Duke Express (WordPress)
Collaboration & Productivity
Any Duke student, faculty or staff member with a NetID can use Sites@Duke Express (also known as Sites@Duke) to create websites using WordPress, a popular web publishing platform.
The service also provides user and group management through the Duke NetID authentication system. Plus, you have easy access to Duke-related themes and you get a Duke URL.
There is no charge for this service.
- Sites@Duke Express: How do you control who can see your site?
- Sites@Duke Express: What happens to your Sites@Duke site when you leave Duke?
- Sites@Duke: How do I turn comments on or off?
- Sites@Duke: Delete a Wordpress Site
- Sites@Duke Express: Adding Duke users
- Sites@Duke: Renewing a WordPress site
- Sites@Duke: What file types can be uploaded to the Media Library?
- Sites@Duke: What are the file size limits?
- Sites@Duke: How to re-use course sites from a previous semester
- Sites@Duke: Embedding Qualtrics Forms
- Sites@Duke Express: Available Plugins and Themes
- Sites@Duke: Tips for student organizations
- Sites@Duke: Customizing your site
- Sites@Duke Express: How do you make feature requests?
- Sites@Duke Express: Requesting Custom (Vanity) Domains
- Sites@Duke: Getting Started
- Sites@Duke: Understanding user roles
- Sites@Duke: Logging in
- Sites@Duke: How do you set up a site to be shared with more than one course roster?
- Sites@Duke: Creating subsites for groups of students