Sites@Duke: How do you set up a site to be shared with more than one course roster?

Many faculty teach multiple sections of the same course and would like to share apps and resources with students in all sections they teach. Using Duke Kits, faculty can easily set up a Sites@Duke site for students in multiple sections.

1. Login to Duke Kits

2. Create a combined kit by clicking the Create Kit button in the lower-right-hand corner of the screen then clicking Create Combined kit.

Create kit

3. To select the all the courses in the list that you would like to have access to your site:

Start by searching for the name of the course you would like to combine to filter results only to that course.

Next, click the check mark next to the name of the kits you would like to combine. You may need to navigate through multiple pages to select all kits.

When you have finished selecting all kits to combine click the Add Kits button.

5. After clicking the Add Kits button, you will then see the kits you selected to combine at the top of the screen. To remove a kit, click the blue X in the Remove column. To add more kits, see the Select Kits option below. When your combined kit list is complete, click the Confirm Kits button.

6. Next, enter a display name for your combined kit.

Text box for combined kit

7. Then scroll down and click the Create Combined Kit button at the bottom of the page.

8. You should now see your combined kit under the Combined Kit category in Kits.

9. On the combined kit click the Add App button.  Then choose the Add App to Kit button the on Sites@Duke app in the App Store.

10. Once you've added Sites@Duke to the combined kit, all students in the combined kit will have access to the site.  You will see a Sites@Duke app icon on the combined kit, and on every kit in the combined kit to indicate the app is shared with all courses and roster.

To learn more about Combined Kits and Kits in general, see

Article number: KB0025518

Valid to: March 5, 2025