Storage, Backups & Hosting
Save your departmental files and directories on CIFS (Common Internet File System). CIFS is a proven and reliable protocol for managing personal files and directories, as well as web spaces (personal and organizational) on Duke's centrally-managed storage infrastructure.
You can easily access CIFS files directly on your device, via your Windows, Mac, or Linux computer, or through an app on your mobile device(s).
Service features:
- Twice daily backup "snapshots" which are retained for seven days, allow you to recover files that changed up to seven days ago
- Access from mobile devices (with an installed app)
- Home directory maps/mounts like any other drive/device
Provisioning rules and storage limits:
- All students, faculty, and staff are provisioned for CIFS
- 25GB of storage space is provided; contact the OIT Service Desk to request more.
- Sponsored Accounts need permission from their sponsor or local IT support personnel.
To connect to your CIFS home directory, your computer needs to be connected to the Duke network. If you're not connected to the Duke network, connect via the Virtual Private Network (VPN).