Kuali Build: Looking Up Duke People
As a Kuali Build form builder, you can use Kuali Build's "People" function to allow form submitters to look up a Duke person by their name, NetID, or Unique ID. All faculty and staff can be found, as well as any other people (students, affiliates) who have logged into Kuali Build with their Duke credentials. You can display any/all of the following attributes on the form:
- Display name (first and last)
- Unique ID (Kuali Build refers to this as School ID)
- Preferred email
- NetID@duke.edu email (Kuali Build refers to this as Username)
If you would like to display attributes other than those above, for example, title, organizational unit, etc., use the Duke Internal Directory Data integration instead of People.
Since not all students are reflected in Kuali People, if you want to look up students, use the Duke Internal Directory Data integration. See Scenario 3 of the instructions.
To add the People lookup field to your form, do the following:
- Drag the Advanced gadget Data Lookup (List) into a section on the form.
- In the right panel, click Data Source. The Sources window opens.
- Select Kuali Data > People.
- Click Continue. The Sources window closes.
- Under Group/Role, do one of the following:
- Leave blank to search all faculty/staff at Duke
- Select from the list of groups provided to limit the lookup to the members of the group(s)
Want the form submitter to be able to lookup more than one person? Use the advanced gadget Data Lookup (Multiselect) instead of Data Lookup (List). Note that only the names of the people selected will be displayed.
Want to display People attributes for more than one person? Use a Repeater gadget with the Data Lookup (List) gadget as described above.
Article number: KB0038206
Valid to: December 4, 2025