Adobe: Graduating students transfer files

Can I transfer/migrate my contents?

Yes, you can transfer your contents from your student Adobe account to a free account before you graduate or leave Duke. However, this is a one-time process that cannot be reversed, so make sure you are ready to migrate your content before you do it.

How do I migrate my content before graduation?

Adobe will allow you to migrate your content to a free account so that you can keep all of your work. If you want to continue creating new content, you will need to maintain a personal subscription.

To begin migration visit: and log in with you Duke account.

Graduate discount?

Adobe offers graduating students a discount on Creative Cloud individual licenses for the first year after graduation for students who want to retain full creative access. Graduates will continue to have access to apps they had on campus, and can get this discount by visiting this link after they have visited the site above to migrate assets to upgrade their free account to the discounted Creative Cloud All Apps license.


The graduation offer and the content migration are subject to change at the vendor's discretion. The University has no control over the access or availability of Adobe Creative Cloud services after graduation. You are responsible for backing up your own content and ensuring that you comply with the vendor's terms and conditions.



Article number: KB0037673

Valid to: May 9, 2025