O365 Teams: Explore all the available Teams across Duke.
Find and join a team
Request to join To join a specific team:
- Select Teams > Join or create a team at the bottom of the teams list.
- Type a specific team name in the search box at the top right
- Press Enter.
- Find the team you're looking for
- Select Join team.
You can immediately join a public team, but will have to request to join a private team and wait for the owner's approval to access the team and its channels.
Note: If a team owner hasn't enabled discoverability of their private team, you won't be able to find it via search and will have to contact them directly to request to join.
Another option is to go to the command box at the top of Teams:
- Type /join to view a list of all your suggested teams.
- Select a team to request permission to join.
Request to add a member
To request someone be added to a team you're already a member of:
- Go to the team in your team list then select More options > Add members.
- Type the name of one or more people.
- Select Send request.
Team owners will receive an alert that they have a pending request.
Desktop Mobile
- Tap Teams at the bottom of the app.
- Tap Join or create a team in the top right corner.
- You can create a new team, browse existing teams to join, or join a team with a code (if you have one).
Article number: KB0032658
Valid to: February 6, 2025