Panopto Administration Documentation
Requesting Access to a Site
- Panopto Policies
- Requesting/ Identifying a Site Administrator
Using Integrated Classroom Recording
- Ordering Your Appliance
- Seeking AV Consultation for Audio/ Video Equipment
- Class Scheduling
- Publishing Your Recordings
- Permissions
Requesting Access to a Site
Panopto Policies
Policies governing usage of the Panopto service can be found here: Please review this document as your first step in utilizing the Panopto service.
Requesting/ Identifying a Site Administrator
A Panopto Site Administrator is an IT and/or AV person who has primary technical ownership of the service in a particular functional unit and will who provide direct support to those end users. With their agreement to participate, you can select from this list of existing Site Administrators as appropriate, or identify a new person in consultation with your school or department: Panopto Departments, Classrooms, and Contacts: If you designate someone new to be a Site Administrator, the person you choose will need to contact OIT Media Technologies to schedule a training session with us before privileged departmental administrative access to the Panopto system can be granted. They can contact the OIT Service Desk to get the process started. Departmental Admin and other privileged accounts for Panopto are audited yearly and must be re-authorized as part of that process by an IT Dean or other supervising party for each school or working group.
Using Integrated Classroom Recording
Ordering Your Appliance
Visit for specifications and pricing information for current Panopto recording hardware. This document also contains instructions for ordering your machines.
Seeking AV Consultation for Audio/ Video Equipment
For help in identifying an AV integrator to install your Panopto appliances, for collaborative assistance with you and your AV integrator in optimally configuring your room AV for classroom recordings, and/or for help troubleshooting room AV issues as they affect classroom recordings, please contact the OIT Service Desk for assistance.
Class Scheduling
Scheduled recordings require designated hardware appliances to be installed in the classrooms where you plan to record. If your room/s do not appear on Panopto Departments, Classrooms, and Contacts, see Ordering Your Appliance and Requesting/ Identifying a Site Administrator above.
Once the appliances are installed and have been tested by the Site Administrator, instructors or others using the room can request their courses or events be scheduled for recording. The Site Admin will then log into the Panopto Administration interface and schedule the recordings. Training in scheduling recordings is provided to all Site Administrators before they initially are granted access to the tool. Additionally, Panopto provides documentation for scheduling recordings here: Typically, when a user requests recordings to be scheduled, Site Administrators will want to obtain the following information from the requester:
- Name of the course/s
- What times they start and end
- Who should have access to the recordings (The whole class? Only specific NetIDs? The general public? No one unless specifically decided at a later date to grant access?)
Publishing Your Recordings
If you have requested scheduled recordings, the Site Administrator will provide you with a link for your folder (or for specific recordings if you wish) that you can distribute to your students or others who need access. Your Site Administrator will also answer any additional questions you might have about using Panopto and are your first line of support for any issues that require troubleshooting.
Instructors and Site Administrators:
- Consult our User Guide for basic Sharing and Permission information.
- See Sharing Panopto Recordings with a SISS Course Roster for instructions on sharing with a course if you are not using the Canvas LTI integration for Panopto, which automatically adds course rosters.
- See Sharing Panopto Content with Non-Course Groups for instructions on sharing with non-course Grouper or Group Manager groups.
Contact the OIT Service Desk for questions/ assistance assisting instructors with permissions
Article number: KB0029265
Valid to: August 1, 2025