Connect via SFTP

How to use Box with SFTP

In this example, we are using FileZilla.

Other ftp programs may look different.

1. Visit and login.

2. On the top right, click on your profile picture, then click on Account Settings, as shown below.

3. Scroll down on this Account page and you should see the "Authentication" section.  Click on "Create a new password." Set a password.

NOTE: Choose a long and complex password you don't use for any other account.  Do not use your NetID password.  Consider using a password manager such as 1Password.

You can also reset your password here.  You will see 'change password' instead of 'create password'.

4. Once a password is set, open FileZilla.

5. Type the following:


    Username: (replace netid with your own netid)

    Password: the new password you just created on the Box site.

    Port: 21


6.  When properly connected, you should see your list of files.


If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the OIT Service Desk at 919-684-2200

Article number: KB0028826

Valid to: October 31, 2026