NetID: Account Requests & General Information


Eligibility and Process

  • Students automatically get a NetID upon matriculation.
  • At the start of each semester, OIT creates NetIDs and passwords for new undergraduate students and provides these to the Registrar.
  • The Registrar provides undergraduates with their NetIDs and passwords in the registration packet.
  • For graduate students, OIT sends the NetID and password information to the department. The department distributes them to the students.

Faculty and Staff

Faculty and staff are assigned NetIDs automatically when the new-hire iForm is completed in SAP (the HR system of record). This form should also be used when the new hire is being processed before the official start date.

NOTE: OIT no longer prints or distributes NetID letters for new Duke employees to payroll representatives.

  • How can I find out if a NetID has been generated?
    • Visit Online@Duke > Directory Search.
    • The most accurate way to search is to enter the new employee's Duke Unique ID in the search block.
    • The person's directory entry will include the correct Duke Unique ID and NetID, both of which are considered public directory information.
  • What if I submitted the new-hire iForm but the NetID has not been generated?
    • This process may take up to two business days. If there is an urgency in obtaining the NetID, a department supervisor can send an email request to including the new employee's Unique ID from the new-hire iForm submission.
  • Where do they get the password?
    • New faculty and staff can generate the NetID password when they visit the various DukeCard Offices (DUH, DRH, DHRH and CAMPUS) to get their photo IDs. Swiping the new photo ID at a DukeCard Express Station will initiate an online process for creating the NetID password.
    • If they are unable to visit the DukeCard Office, faculty and staff may contact the appropriate IT Service Desk (below) for assistance in setting the NetID password.


IMPORTANT: The process for requesting a NetID for Affiliates/Sponsored Accounts at Duke has changed. Requests are no longer accepted via email. Please follow this new procedure:

How can I request a sponsored guest Unique ID & NetID?

  • Visit the Sponsored Guest site and follow the directions on the page.
    • Only Duke employees can sponsor an affiliate for an electronic identity (Duke Unique ID and NetID).
  • Requests will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis and can take up to three business days. They are confirmed back to the requester by email if the requester selected this option upon setup.
  • The site can also be used to check the status of a submitted request.
  • Affiliates are defined as Duke community members who are not recorded in a system of record, such as the  Duke Human Resources system (SAP) or the Duke University student system (SISS). Affiliates can include visiting faculty, visiting scholars and post-docs, medical residents, and contractors.

Where do they get the password?

  • Affiliates can generate the NetID password when they visit the various DukeCard Offices (DUH, DRH, DHRH and CAMPUS) to get their photo IDs. Swiping the new photo ID at a DukeCard Express Station will initiate an online process for creating the NetID password.
  • If affiliates are unable to visit the DukeCard Office, they may contact the appropriate IT Service Desk (below) for assistance in setting the NetID password.

NetID Rules

  • The NetID format is abc123, in other words, your full name initials and a number. You cannot pick your own NetID.
  • NetIDs are tied to individuals. OIT does not issue NetIDs to organizations, departments or other groups.
    NOTE: If you need a departmental email account, please contact your local IT support group.
  • Each person is allowed only one NetID.
  • NetIDs & passwords are only to be used by the NetID owner and should not be shared with spouses or other family members.
  • Can I change my NetID? - Changing a NetID is not recommended. Contact the OIT Service Desk as NetID's are not changed without certain parameters being met and are a destructive process; leave time with no access to Duke online resources.


Common NetID Misconceptions

  • Changing your NetID password will only affect accounts that use NetID authentication. You will know this because when attempting to login, these accounts will redirect you to the famous NetID Services login screen.
  • You may not be aware that you even have a NetID. You were asked to complete an online safety training or sign up for parking and the NetID login screen is completely new to you. However, if you can login to SAP, SISS, DukeHub, PeopleSoft, etc., those applications use NetID authentication and the same password that works for those will work at the NetID Services screen shown above.
  • You have an active NetID and password but you can't login to other applications that use NetID authentication. The most common reason for that is that you may not have an account in those applications and therefore after authenticating, there is nothing to show. Good examples of those accounts are Sakai, or DukeHub.


If you need further assistance, contact your local IT support group/person

You can also contact your appropriate Service Desk:
University Users: OIT Service Desk - 919 684 2200
Duke Health Users: DHTS Service Desk - 919 684 2243



Article number: KB0019801

Valid to: January 17, 2026