MFA: Set up Duo on an Android


How to Set Up Duo Mobile on Your Android Device for Multi-Factor Authentication

To authenticate access to Duke University and Duke Health websites and applications, you can use the Duo Mobile app on your Android device. You will need access to a computer with a web browser to log into the Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) site and display a QR code for scanning or activation link.

Step 1: Register Your Device for Duo Multi-Factor Authentication

  1. Log in to the Duke Multi-Factor Authentication site.
  2. Under Manage Duo Devices, select Register Device with Duo.

  3. On the Register Device with Duo Security page:
    • Select Mobile phone OR Tablet under the Device Type option.
    • Select depending on the option chosen above, Android(Mobile Phone) or Android(tablet) as your device's operating system.

  4. Follow the on-screen instructions. A QR code will be displayed, which you'll scan using your Android device in the next steps.
    • If you are unable to scan a QR code, use the link under the barcode AFTER the Duo Mobile app is installed(see below).

Step 2: Install the Duo Mobile App

  1. Visit the Google Play Store, download, and install the Duo Mobile app.

  2. Open the app and accept the License Agreement.
  3. Click Continue(if this is the first account in Duo) or Add Account. Click Use a QR Code

  4. Use your iPhone or iPad to scan the QR code displayed on your computer. 
    • If you are unable to scan the QR code, use the link under the barcode AFTER the Duo Mobile app is installed.
          The link MUST be clicked on the device you are trying to setup Duo on.
  5. Once the barcode or activation link is successfully processed, your device will be registered for Duo authentication.

    Once scanned, your device will be successfully registered for Duo authentication.

Need Help?

  • Duke University: Contact the OIT Service Desk at 919-684-2200. Click here for hours of operation.
  • Duke Health: Contact the DHTS Service Desk at 919-684-2243. Click here for DHTS information.

Article number: KB0017891

Valid to: November 6, 2025