AT&T Wireless is one of Duke's preferred service providers. The links below provide unit account managers with information regarding common account activities.

To manage your account, visit AT&T Premier

Program benefits

AT&T mobile lines on a Duke account receive the following discounts and benefits:

  • Discounts on Duke’s Government Pooling Plans that include unlimited text messaging. 
  • Discounts on retail pricing for equipment
  • No activation fees for new lines of service
  • No early termination fee
  • Flexible online account management via AT&T Premier

Managing international travelers

You may have mobile users that travel abroad. To ensure cost-saving plans and features are active on the device before they depart, contact International care at 800-335-4685. Read about AT&T's world packages; international calling, text, and data features are available. The travel guide may help you plan.

Plans and features can be activated and deactivated as needed, and are prorated. The AT&T passport is our best-ever value for international travel that includes unlimited messaging, Wi-Fi, data and affordable calling rates in one package.  The packages can be used in over 150 countries. For a complete list of countries visit

  • You also have access to a 3GB data plan with integrated domestic and international usage that can also include tethering.

For more information or to purchase spare global devices, please contact Roxanne Garland, Universal Account Manager, at 919-760-7191 or

How to transfer a number from a Duke account to a personal account

Your may wish to transfer a mobile number off of your Duke account onto a personal account for one of your users. To assume personal financial responsibility for the AT&T Wireless number, the user should download and read Let AT&T Help Keep You Connected (PDF), then follow the instructions given.

How to transfer a number from a personal account to a Duke account

You may wish to begin paying for a user's personal mobile number. If this is the case, the mobile number needs to be moved from the personal account to your Duke account. To do so, the user should do the following:

  • Call AT&T Customer Care at 800-331-0500 (or 611 from their mobile phone) and advise AT&T that s/he wishes to transfer financial responsibility for his/her number to a Duke account. If the line is the main number on a family plan, the user will need to advise AT&T of another number on the plan that they wish to become the main number. On the personal account, AT&T Wireless will note that Duke is willing to assume financial responsibility for the number.

Once the user has taken this step, you can contact AT&T and request that the number be moved to your billing account.

How to move a number from another provider to AT&T Wireless ("port")

To move (port) a number from another provider to your unit's AT&T Wireless account, log in to AT&T Premier and click Premier Store.

Ordering equipment

If you need to replace an AT&T device or wish to purchase a new number with a new device, log in to AT&T Premier and click Premier Store.

Important note: When ordering equipment, please use the following format for delivery by FedEx:

  • Address line 1: Valid US Postal Service street address  - do not include suite or room number (each Duke building is assigned a street address; these can be looked up on the Duke campus map.)
  • Address line 2: Suite or room number or Duke Box number (do not indicate 'PO' Box; PO refers only to official US Postal Service boxes.)