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Cisco Systems Gift Supports Duke’s Code+ Program

On Wednesday Cisco Systems announced a gift in support of Duke University's Code+ program, a 10-week project-based summer experience for Duke undergraduate students.

Code+ is specifically designed for first- and second-year undergraduate students who have had limited exposure to technology and are curious about tech-related fields of study. Over the 10-week period,  students gain experience with leading-edge technologies and tools in a peer learning environment. They develop skills such as mobile app development, machine learning, user experience design, and front- and back-end web app development, among others. Participating students can also acquire real-world experience and specialized skills like those needed to design and defend secure systems, one of the preeminent challenges of the 21st century. 
One of the goals for Code+ is to help to create a pipeline of diverse, curious, and capable individuals who may consider careers in technology. The program also seeks to in increase equity, inclusion and diversity in the technology talent pipeline, and is committed to attracting students from underrepresented communities as well as first-generation college students.    

“Cisco has the foresight to not only recognize talent among students, but also to invest in the pipeline of cybersecurity expertise,” said Jen Vizas, director of projects, service adoption, communications, and engagement (PACE) in Duke’s Office of Information Technology. “Thanks to their support, more students will gain hands-on experience in cybersecurity and will be able to consider technology as a career path.”

“Cybersecurity is a team sport. When a community rises, we all rise,” said Anthony Grieco, vice president and trust strategy officer for Cisco. “We are honored to support these important programs, ensuring that the next generation of talent has cybersecurity expertise and is a priority for all.”

In addition to providing financial support for student projects, Cisco sends representatives to judge final projects, providing valuable feedback and guidance.

Last year, Cisco sponsored two Code+ cybersecurity projects - the “Duke Bug Bounty Program” and the “Malicious Code Detonation Tester.”