Kuali Build: How to Select a Person in a Group/Role
On a Kuali Build form, you can use advanced gadgets to allow the form submitter to select a single person (Data Lookup (List)) or multiple people (Data Lookup (Multiselect)) within a group -- or role within the group -- that is defined in Kuali Build. The person selected in a Data Lookup (List) can be utilized in the workflow.
The group and role(s) must first be defined in Kuali Build. To request a new group, complete a Kuali Build Group Request.
Important: There is a known issue whereby the instructions below do not work for the default "Member" role in a group. Define at least one new role in your group.
On the form, do the following:
- Add a Data Lookup (List) or Data Lookup (Multiselect) gadget.
- In the right panel, under Data Source, click Choose.
- In the Sources window that appears, select Kuali Data > People and click Continue. The Sources window closes.
- In the Group/Role list, select the desired group or role to filter by. Form submitters will select a person/people from this group/role when completing the form.
Questions? Contact kualibuild@duke.edu.
Article number: KB0037959
Valid to: September 12, 2025