When You Have a Problem Removing Credentials from an Old iPhone or Apple Watch
If you are removing your Mobile DukeCard credentials from an old device but then have problems adding your credential to your new device you may need to delete your old device from iCloud. This action will allow you to add your mobile credential to your new device.
- Log into iCloud.com with your Apple ID and password.
- Go to Settings, then look in the My Devices section.
- In the list of devices, click the one you want to remove.
- On the next screen, click the blue 'X' beside the device to be removed then click Remove in the popup dialogue box.
- Click Done after you have removed your device.
NOTE: if you are logging into iCloud from your mobile device, you will scroll until you see your device list, click on the device you wish to remove and then click Remove from Account (below the device's serial or IMEI number).
Once your old device is removed from iCloud you will now be able to add your Mobile DukeCard credentials to your new device. View the article Adding Your DukeCard to Apple Wallet on iPhone or Apple Watch for instructions on how to add your Mobile DukeCard credential to your new device.
Article number: KB0030371
Valid to: January 31, 2025