Cvent: Cvent Integration with DADD


You can export attendee information about your event from Cvent to DADD. However, in order for this information to be accurately reported, you will need to take specific steps during the setting up of your event and after it has completed. 

Event Planners: Event Setup

When an event is exported to DADD, all entities that registered, declined, cancelled, or were waitlisted will have an event activity record created on their DADD profile.  The Parties Involved Role will be Event Invitee, unless the registration type associated with the event registration is one of the five pre-defined roles that will be used to identify those who had a greater involvement in a particular event. Only the following registration types are recognized (anything else including "no registration type" is exported from Cvent as "Event Invitee"):

  • Speaker
  • Host
  • Organizer
  • Volunteer
  • Staff

Follow these steps to configure your event and correctly categorize your attendees who have special roles:

  1. Go to General -> Registration Types.
  2. Edit and add the registration types that will apply to your event (speaker, host, organizer, volunteer, staff). Enable only the ones relevant to your event. 
  3. If registrants will not be able to select the Registration Type at the time of registration, you can still assign the correct role. 
    1. Go to Email -> Invitation Lists.
    2. Create an invitation list for each registration type.  For each list, be sure to set the Assign registration type to list members who register option to Yes and select the appropriate registration type.
  4. The individual must register with the name and email address on the invitation list in order to be assigned the correct registration type.



Event Planners: Post-event

Duplicate records

It is very important once the event has completed that you identify any duplicate records for your event. A new record is created in Cvent when an individual registers for an event using a different email address or name than what was stored in the Address Book. In order to associate the event registration with the appropriate contact record, the event planner must locate and merge the duplicate records in the address book. For example, you know that all attendees of your event are Duke Alumni and each record should include the Entity ID or Duke Degree and Year information but some of your registrants are missing this information. This is a red flag that you have may have duplicate records. 

  1. Search the Address Book for the registrant. 
  2. Select the records that may be duplicates using the check marks, then go to the Actions button and select Merge. You can now review the records side-by-side. Check the following fields:
    1. Email address: if the address is the same, check the name fields to see if this a duplicate record or if this is two people who are sharing an email address. 
    2. Source ID, Duke Unique ID, Entity ID: if any are identical, it is likely this is the same person. Be aware the Source ID should be the same as the Duke Unique ID but there are cases where it is the Entity ID. It is important to check all three fields.
    3. Lifetime FSB email address, Lifetime DAA email address, Business email address, Home email address: if the contact record was created or updated as part of the integration between Cvent and DADD, then other active email addresses associated with that individual will appear in these fields. Check these against the Cvent Email addresses for the records. 

Once you have identified duplicate records, you need to merge the them so all the relevant information will be preserved from both records. The two records will contain radio buttons where there is possible conflict. For example: the First name fields may contain "James" and "Jim". Use this process to merge the records and preserve the data.

  1. Select the Master record radio button by choosing the earliest creation date.
  2. Review the following fields and determine which information should be preserved by selecting the appropriate radio button.
    1. First name/Last name: If the record was created by self-registration, then this is the name the person used to register for the event, so it is likely how they will register in the future.  Because Cvent searches the address book to match registrations based on name and email address, it is best to select the first name and last name the person provided to us via registration so the likelihood of creating a duplicate record in the future is lessened.
    2. Email address: Choose the email address the registrant is most likely to register with next time, which is likely the email address they used this time.
    3. Source ID: The Source ID should match the Duke Unique ID.  If the Source ID equals the Entity ID, then it is important to select the blank value for Source ID.
    4. Duke Unique ID: Duke Unique ID should be 7 digits, with leading zeros as necessary.
    5. Entity ID: Entity ID should be 10 digits, with leading zeros as necessary.
    6. First name on badge/Last name on badge: If only one record has values for these fields, keep those values.  If both records have values, select the values for the most recent record, since this information was likely gathered as part of a current event registration.
    7. Duke Degree & Year: Select the values on the original record, if it matches what is in DADD (per formatting criteria).
    8. Class Year: If populated, this field should be the 4 digit year the degree was received.  If this is a Fuqua or Medical School alumni, the field should be the 4 digit year of the undergraduate degree, if received from Duke.  This can be spot-checked using the Duke Degree & Year field.
    9. Fuqua Class Year: This field should contain the 4-digit year the Fuqua degree was/will be received, if this is a Fuqua grad/student.
    10. MD Class Year: This field should contain the 4-digit year the Medical degree was/will be received, if a Medicine grad/student.
    11. Email addresses – lifetime, business, home: Like Duke Degree & Year, this information comes from DADD and those values should be selected for the merged record.
    12. Related Contacts: Related contacts should be pulled from the primary record (original record).
  3. If you are positive you are looking at the same individual, click the Merge button. NOTE: You will need to use your discretion based on your knowledge of the event and the invitation list (if it exists), as well as information available in DADD and via other means to determine if these records should be merged. If you are not suredo not merge the records.


Attendance records

Event information in DADD will include information about registration as well as attendance. If an entity registers but does not attend, the activity record will be different than if they registered and attended an event.  Event attendance must be updated in Cvent in order for the information to be accurately reflected in DADD.

  1. If you use the OnArrival app, attendance information is automatically captured and synced back to Cvent. 
  2. You can also use Cvent to mark an entity as a particpant
    1. Go to Attendees -> Attendee List and click the down arrow by the user's name. Select Mark as Event Participant
    2. Import your participant list by going to Attendees -> Attendee List and clicking Actions -> Import Participants. Follow the steps in the wizard.


Exporting an Event to DADD

Because of the verification required by an event planner after an event is completed to ensure the correct event roles are assigned to registrants, that all registrants that are entities in DADD are associated with an Address Book record that includes the entity ID, and that attendance has been recorded for the event, an event will not be exported to DADD until the event planner indicates the event is complete and ready to be exported.  Under Home -> General -> Event Information, in the Custom Fields tab, change the Ready to Export value to Yes.

Only Completed or Cancelled Events will be exported, regardless of the value of the Ready to Export indicator.  Once the event’s status changes to Cancelled or Completed and the export indicator is set to Yes, the integration process will export the event information to DADD.

Once an event is imported into DADD, it will not be re-imported by the integration process, regardless of any changes an event planner makes to the event status or the export indicator.  Any changes to event information after export will need to be made both in Cvent and in DADD manually.

NOTE: All events hosted by/for Alumni should be exported to DADD once complete.  Other events may also be exported to DADD if the event attendance was largely targeted toward entities in DADD (donors, members, etc.).

Article number: KB0029080

Valid to: October 16, 2024