Stqry Demo
Office of Information Technology (Media Technologies)
The Stqry demo has been re-scheduled for 11 a.m., Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2024, via Zoom:
We hope that you can join us. If not, it will be recorded.
Here's an overview of the upcoming session:
Stqry, Duke's interactive geo-located tour application (formerly MyTours), is available at no cost to anyone with a Duke NetID and allows you to quickly and easily create custom virtual tours.
It's so good even Duke Admissions uses it.
Duke's Office of Information Technology (Media Technologies) is offering a vendor-led overview of the Stqry platform.
The session, free and open to all, will include:
· An introduction to the Stqry Builder web app
· A presentation of existing tours in Duke's collection
· Instruction on how to download tours from the Apple and Google Play stores
· An overview of how to create collaborative working groups
In the meantime, you can try Stqry (pronounced 'stor-ee') by logging in at You may find this 'Getting Started with Stqry' article to be helpful:
Hope to see you there and please let us know if you have questions.
Lecture/Talk, Technology