
Apple Podcasts is a content distribution system from Apple that enables making audio and video material from podcasts, lectures, interviews, audio books and other sources available with the ease of the iTunes Store or the Apple Podcast App on iOS or AppleTV. University content formerly was contained in iTunesU, a section of the iTunes Store that Apple recently retired. Users can download content from Apple Podcasts to a Mac, PC, AppleTV or to an iPhone or other iOS device and listen to it or view it anywhere, anytime. Any officially recognized Duke group may request an Apple Podcast collection (link is external) that they administer.

Recording Release

We highly recommend collecting signed recording release forms for all participants in content you'd like to post to Apple Podcasts. Download a Duke standard release form.

Copyright Information

An excellent guide to the legal issues involved in creating a podcast has been created by the folks behind the Creative Commons licensing initiative. You may also visit the Podcasting Legal Guide.

For more information about intellectual property and digital rights visit Duke's Scholarly Communications Office.

Terms of Use

  • Direct links to illegal, socially harmful, or pornographic material are not permitted.
  • Text, images, or sounds, which violate local, state, national, or international laws are not permitted.
  • You may not create pages that contain material copyrighted by someone other than yourself unless permission has been obtained from the copyright holder. The original author and copyright holder should be clearly and fully acknowledged if permission is given. You should even be cautious about creating links to pages that contain unapproved copyrighted material.

In addition to the policy and guidelines described here, Duke University's Computing Policies shall be considered in effect.

Apple Podcasts Collection Ownership

Any officially recognized Duke group may request a collection that they administer. The Duke Apple Podcasts team will work with requestors to determine the appropriate location for the collection within Duke's Apple Podcasts collection.

When a collection already exists or ownership needs to change, the request should come from any of the current collection administrators.

If no current administrators can be contacted or if there is a problem with collection ownership, it is the responsibility of the requestor to contact the leadership of the collection's proper Duke owner. They should then submit the request for transference of collection administration and the request will be verified by the Apple Podcasts team.